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October 12, 2023

Writer's picture: Brian MarczakBrian Marczak

Updated: May 6, 2024


Cecilia Armstrong

Fernando Alfonso

Terrell Carstens

Aimee Haber

Bob Hutchinson

Julie Kamenetzky

Barry Ringstorm

Michelle Timmons


Karen Grant

Brian Marczak


  • Review and Approve Meeting Minutes from BFCA Board Meeting on April 18, 2023

    • Cecilia motioned to approve. Terrell second. All Board members present agreed to Approve.

  • Review and Approve Meeting Minutes from BFCA Annual Meeting on May 1, 2023

    • Cecilia motioned to approve. Terrell second. All Board members present agreed to Approve.


  • Actual costs are running less than budget. We cancelled the event at Kaleidoscope to help provide more funds for the event at The Ashford. The End of Summer Ice Cream Social was cancelled due to the weather. Receipts for two events, Oktoberfest and the Yard Sale, have either not been submitted or have not been paid out.

  • Review Membership – Just over 200 homes have paid their annual membership fees. Based on last year, we estimate about 10 more homes will join in the 4th quarter. There are 750 homes in the BFCA. Every year we send out the BFCA calendar of events to all neighbors. It was discussed that next year, we need to let all homes that receive the mailing know that they are a part of the BFCA and can join our association.

  • Review Expenses – We discussed that at the end of each financial year, we should have enough money in our bank account to cover the next year’s annual expenses. We currently have that in our bank.


  • We held off on voting on liability insurance. We wanted to wait and see what Drew Valley Civic Association was doing.


  • Discussed we need to be better about naming events on our website.

  • Discussed having Tasters and Traders go back to how it used to be where they were not a part of the BFCA calendar of events. They just use the BFCA Google Group Email to promote their event, but state they are not associated with the BFCA.

  • For each event posted on our website, discussed making people who RSVP click a box that they agree to our waiver.

  • When a new member signs up online, have them complete a waiver at that time.

  • Discussed making everyone sign the waiver when they pay through PayPal.

  • At events, have the waivers printed out and if someone new signs up to be a member, have them sign the waiver at the event.

  • Discuss Possible Increase to Dues for 2024

  • Terrell motioned to raise dues for 2024. Bob second it. Barry, Michelle, Terrell, Fernando, and Julie approved. Cecilia and Aimee did not approve.

  • Michelle motioned to raise BFCA dues to $35. Bob second it. All approved.

  • Remaining Social Events for 2023

  • Halloween Parade planning is under way and is scheduled for Halloween. Aimee to reach out to Officer Hawkins to see if we can have the Brookhaven PD drive through our neighborhood around that time.

  • We will move forward with Screen on the Green as well.

  • Discuss a New Member Position Led by a Board Member


  • Cecilia motioned to create a New Member Committee led by a Board Member. Barry second it. All approved

  • Julie volunteered to lead the New Member Committee which is GREAT! She will need help from other board members though.

  • Discussed the need to create New Member process - new members pay dues, need to be notified we received dues, add them to BFCA Google Group Email

  • Confirm Attendees to BFCA Events have paid dues prior to each event and reach out and encourage those that haven't paid to pay.

  • Reach out to HOAs within our neighborhood to encourage them to join the BFCA as well as their own HOA.

  • Possible “Membership Drive” supported by all the Board Members.


  • Discuss Possible Changes to Board Members Time Commitment on the Board. Everyone wants to keep the time commitment as is (3 years).

  • Julie is going to create a survey to seek input from BFCA members about volunteering to lead some other events like Play Dates, Neighborhood Walk About, Book Club, etc. We will pass out the survey on Halloween at Clack’s Corner.

  • Meredith gave Cecilia a letter from the IRS notifying the BFCA that we haven’t filed a 990 for 2021 or 2022 and that we were at risk of losing our non-exempt tax status. Cecilia wrote a letter to the IRS letting them know about our situation but hasn’t heard back. She tried going online to complete the information but needs a Pin that no one knows about right now. Terrell mentioned that she has done something similar for other Boards she is on so would work with Cecilia to try to resolve.

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2021 Brookhaven Fields Civic Association, Inc.

PO Box 191173, Atlanta, Georgia 31119

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